5 Advantages of having a remote-controlled security system

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We live in a high-tech world surrounded by high tech machines and systems, so why are we still securing our cargo using old and unsecured methods? Van and truck Mechanical slam locks are robust and secure, but what happens if we lose the key or forget the pin code? Pegasus and its secure, patent applied, Novo Lock system can help avoid these tricky situations.

By using technology as a GSM door opener and military-grade materials, we ensure that truck or van security is intact. The patent applied Novo Lock is very modular and can help avoid all kinds of challenges that may happen on the way that may not be ready for, such as human error.

We listed 5 advantages to having a remote-controlled security system:

1. Never lose the physical key again!

In the digital world, some of us are still using physical keys. It makes sense sometimes, but what about losing the key? A thousand miles away from the warehouse? Not a comfortable position to be in. The Novo Lock Security System with a remote control GSM door opener enables to unlock the cargo whenever and wherever we want. The system enters a special locking mode after we opened the door, so the truck or van remain lock after the drop.

2. Secure sensitive cargo.

Sometimes we have to deliver sensitive or military cargo, so we only want two people to have access to it: the client and us. With the Novo Lock remote system, we can unlock the load at the drop site and have the client pick it up, no worries.

3. Override existing locking solutions.

Electrical technology can fail. If are using a keypad, for example, and the driver forgot the code, or the door won’t open, we always have an override bypass with Novo Lock.

4. Eliminates onboarding new workers.

When we recruit a new driver, we need to properly train him with all existing security measures: RFID lock set, slam locks, high-security van lock, truck security system etc. 

The Novo Lock Security System eliminates the need for a tedious onboarding, unlock the cargo at the drop site, no question asked.

5. Always know the situation with the load.

When workers are delivering cargo for a new client, we want to be 100% certain that it gets there on time, safe and secure, and we don’t want them to know that we don’t trust them. Sure, we have a military-grade, anti-drill, temper proof lock, but this is a big client, and we want to know precisely when and where we deliver the cargo. Using the GSM door opener for truck or van lock, we don’t have to open the cargo remotely, but we know when it is opened, and where.

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